Saturday 3rd September saw the 141st Swanwick, Bursledon and Warsash Regatta held on the river Hamble get off to a great start, with dry weather, an afternoon high tide and crowds and crowds of sailors, local families it all helped to make a great day.
The regatta is centred on Bursledon Pool, the Elephant Boat Yard and the Jolly Sailor pub, this years theme was Venetian. Competitors and spectators are encouraged to dress appropriately.
There are rowing races of all kinds, swimming races, a water carnival, fancy dress competitions, torch light procession and a grand finale firework display.
Peter Delbridge of Boatshed Hamble.Com as one of the many sponsors of the event was there with his family to enjoy the day and to enter some of the competitions.
The Regatta has its origins in the friendly rivalry that existed between
fisherman, yachtsmen and watermen of the Hamble River, who organised races amongst themselves. During the last century the annual event gained distinguished Regatta status with the title SWANWICK, BURSLEDON and WARSASH REGATTA organised by representatives from the three famous waterside villages.
The Regatta is organised and run by a committee of local people still
representing the three villages - and relies on the generous support given by well - wishers to finance the not inconsiderable expenses involved.
The unique atmosphere of the Regatta has been gently nurtured over the years and is an experience worth enjoying as one of the few traditional village Regatta's remaining.
If you wish to enter next year's REGATTA or to help with sponsorship please get in touch with Peter Delbridge at Boatshed Hamble