Chichester Harbour Events - September
We have a bumper crop of events this month. There are just a few places left on the last of the Terror sailing trips for this season. There are two new talks, Queen Elizabeth's Forgotten Fleet on the 13th and Managing the AONB on the 21st. Also don't forget our 40th anniversary exhibition at Emsworth Museum.
Sat 3 September Solar Heritage Trip: Emsworth
3pm & 4:30pm / 1 hour
One hour boat trip departing from the public jetty at Emsworth with a general commentary about Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. £6 adults, £3 children. No pre-booking – tickets will be sold on the boat during departure.
Sun 4 September Solar Heritage Trip: Emsworth
4pm / 1 hour
As above.
Sat 10 September Harbour Discovery Solar Boat Trip
11am / 1.5 hours
Departs from Itchenor. Onboard there will be a general commentary about Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Fee: £7.50 per adults / £3.50 children up to 16.
Book on 01243 513275 .
Sun 11 September Earth, Air & Water: Painting the Harbour
10am / 3 hours
A talk and art workshop with local artist Ysobel Banfield whose work reflects a contemporary view of Romantic landscape art using oils, acrylics and drawing mediums. Some of the time will be spent outdoors. We will have some basic materials but you might like to bring your own. Also, bring outdoor gear and footwear for muddy conditions.
Fee: £7 to include refreshments,
BOOKING ESSENTIAL on 01243 513275 .
Meet: Harbour Education Centre, Dell Quay
Terror Sailing Trips
Sun 11 at 11am
Fri 16 at 1:30pm
Tue 27 at 10:30am
Wed 28 at 11:30am
Fri 30 at 1pm
Departs from Emsworth. Come aboard the restored Victorian oyster boat Terror for a 2 hour sailing trip from Emsworth. £12.50 adults, £5 children.
To book please call 01243 513275 .
Tue 13 September Maritime History Talk: 'Queen Elizabeth's Forgotten Fleet’
7pm / 1 hour
This year historian Ian Friel will continue his maritime theme with this new talk for us about England's 'Merchant Navy' in the later 16th century. He will look at how a prominent family in Elizabethan Chichester came to be involved in piracy.
Fee: £3 on the day, to include refreshments
Meet: Eames Farm, Thorney Road, Thorney Island PO10 8DE. Free parking on site.
Sun 18 September Beach Watch 2011
11am / 2 hours
Join the national beach clean organised by the Marine Conservation Society to survey and collect shoreline litter. Wear old clothes, stout footwear and bring waterproof gloves. Bring a snack and flask for a short break.
Meet: private car park, Cobnor PO18 8TE. Follow signs to Cobnor Activities Centre then look for Beach Watch signs. Parking by permission of Cobnor Estate.
Sun 18 September Harbour Discovery Solar Boat Trip
2pm / 1.5 hours
Departs from Itchenor. Onboard there will be a general commentary about Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Fee: £7.50 per adults / £3.50 children up to 16.
Book on 01243 513275 .
Wed 21 September Harbour Creekies: Managing the AONB
10am / 1.5 hours
An indoor session in the warmth and dry of the Education Room at the Lifeboat Station on Hayling Island, hearing about what is involved in managing the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which, includes the eastern side of Hayling Island. With Alison Fowler, AONB Manager.
A free return minibus trip sponsored by the Friends of Chichester Harbour is available from Chichester and Havant railway stations, contact the Harbour Office to find out times and book your minibus seat at least 24 hours in advance. No need to book this event if you do not want to use the minibus.
Fee: £2 per person (£1 to RNLI) to include refreshments
Meet: Hayling Island Lifeboat Station PO11 9SJ
Sat 24 September Geology of the Harbour Shoreline
2:30pm / 2 hours
A 2 mile (3 km) stroll along the shoreline from the Itchenor ferry point northwards towards Bosham and back along the country road, taking time to hear about the geology of the harbour and to look at some unusual geological features. With local geology enthusiast David Bone.
Meet: in small parking area next to the ferry path from Bosham to Itchenor at junction of Smugglers Lane and Lower Hone Lane, 1½ miles south of Bosham village. If busy, please park with care on the roadside.
Sat 24 September Harbour Discovery Solar Boat Trip
2pm / 1.5 hours
Departs from Itchenor. Onboard there will be a general commentary about Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Fee: £7.50 per adults / £3.50 children up to 16.
Book on 01243 513275 .
Sun 25 September Earth, Air and Water: Presenting Your Artwork for Exhibition
10am / 2 hours
You’ve been inspired by Chichester Harbour and attended the workshops and now it is time to think of getting your work ready for hanging and entering our exhibition in February. This workshop will help you to make the most of your photographs, paintings and sculptures by learning and discussing how best to present them for display and sale. With artist Barry Williams. Bring your own artwork to work on.
Fee: £3 to include refreshments,
BOOKING ESSENTIAL on 01243 513275 .
Meet: Harbour Education Centre, Dell Quay, PO20 7EE