Dibitu goes home
59ft Pat Buckle Narrowboat Dibitu is going home. After more than ten years exploring the waterways of France NB Dibitu has been sold by Boatshed Bourgogne and is returning to the UK. Excited new owners Steph. & Morris Abbott eagerly awaited the arrival of their new acquisition due to arrive in the Milton Keynes Marina just one day after being lifted out in Roanne central France. Neither the vendor nor the new owners could be present for the lift out so Boatshed Bourgogne organised it and Graham attended the operation and prepared the boat for her journey. The lift out was done by the society Lavenir of La Paccaudière and transport assured by CPL of both of whom worked together like parts in a Swiss watch. Our thanks to them for their professionalism and to the marina manager for his kind assistance. Both Magali and Graham of Boatshed Bourgogne wish Steph and Morris every happiness and many years of happy cruising with Dibitu.