Get off to an electrifying start!
As we wake our precious craft from their winter slumber, ready to take on the new boating season with zest, their can be nothing more infuriating than a flat battery!
You have got all set for a nice trip out, gathered the family, made and packed lunch, maybe even a glass of vino or two..(don't drink and drive), then heck, the boat will not start.
Batteries, there is a lot more to them than just a heavy lump hidden in the bilge somewhere.
Used to start, cold, heavy engines, plus domestic needs in the cabin, deal with deep discharge cycles, endure punishing physical shock, keep working at acute angles, all take the marine battery requirements well above what we would expect from a simple car battery.
Their are typically 3 categories of marine battery:
1 Engine start need
Starting a combustion engine requires lots of power initially and then no power is needed throughout the journey.
The electrical unit used to measure engine start is MCA.
MCA= BCI marine cranking power in amp at 0c
2 Dual supply need
Starting your engine and supplying other electrical equipment.
This requires lots of power to start your engine and then variable power drain causes battery discharge throughout your journey.
The electrical unit used to measure dual supply need is Wh.
Wh=Available watt x hour at 20h rate
3 Equipment supply need
Providing an uninterrupted supply to emergency or comfort equipment uses power at high levels consistently and causes deep battery discharge throughout your journey.
The electrical unit used to measure dual supply need is Wh.
Wh=Available watt x hour at 20h rate
And at Boatshed Cowes we are always trying to find ways to help, so we have secured a 10% discount on EXIDE Marine batteries purchased from the authorized local supplier to the Isle of Wight.REISCO LTD
Phone 01983 216317
Just mention Boatshed Cowes when ordering.
You don't even have to buy a boat from us, but it would be nice!
REISCO will also take away and environmentally dispose of your old batteries free of charge.
And keep on checking out our regular blogs as we aim to secure other tempting offers with local suppliers to the boating world.